The Eternal Lands Guild
...more to come or maybe that's it already, am too lazy to decide at the moment. Go have a look at our
forum for now.
Go have a look and stop bothering us, we want to play :P
- GWaR forums, in case you missed the link above ;)
- CEL, lots of information about EL
- The (unofficial) Eternal Lands Wiki, founded by the Fellowship of Celtic Woods, enhanced by many
- Rangers of the North, probably best known for their maps
- Eternal Lands
- Eternal Lands Forum
- Top Players, also known as #list_guild for GWaR :P
- Ent's blog, read if you want to know what teh g0d is cooking.
- GWaR's ingredients breakdown calculator
- Die! Guild video, funny stuff.
- RL Guild video, "Guild of Terror", kreamz strikes again :D
- Kreamz serped your spawn, need I say more? No. Enjoy :D